When Frank Kern told me that we HAD to hire Leela and Gulliver to train the sales team for a new venture we were doing together, I didn’t hesitate, even though it cost us over $25k to do it. We made that back times five during the training!
I watch people spend tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands on more education, more courses, but the place to spend your money when you have a business and have something to sell is on people and systems that can move the needle, sell more and make money from the start.
That’s what you get when you spend money with Leela and Gulliver, and what you really ought to be asking is not how can you get as little of their time as possible at the lowest price. You should be asking how much can you possibly spend with them to get them all to yourself for a day or two, because doing that is one of the very, very few things that will actually change your business and ultimately cost you nothing.
Their training is really free, even at $100k, because it’s that good. NOTHING ROIs faster than what they can do for your business.